The Zika Social Sciences Network is composed of people, Fiocruz units and partner institutions. Its structure consists of a General Coordination, Executive Coordination, Executive Staff, Research Groups and Commissions.

Governance Structure of Zika Social Science Network

The Executive Coordination is responsible for monitoring, regulating and coordination of all elements and activities of the Network, promoting the dissemination of its products and resources.

The Research Groups develop investigations related to the Network´s guidelines and priorities. 

Commissions are ad hoc bodies, constituted to execute a specific task demanded by either the Consultative Committee or the Executive Coordination. 

The Network´s labor is guided by a series of guidelines, namely:

  • The use of social sciences perspective to mediate and analyze how the Zika epidemic articulates in very different domains of practice and its challenges;
  • The understanding that biomedical, social, legal, economic and political practices and interventions produce different “Zikas” in order to investigate the multilevel consequences of these interventions;
  • Attention to the inequities of class, race, and gender, and to their intersections;
  • The understanding that policies, sciences, and social practices produced by Zika’s enactments are contingent, and produced in a specific time and place. However, the lessons learned from this scenario can be applied not only on new epidemics but also on other neglected diseases, due to similarities on the population usually affected;
  • The acknowledgment of the role of each stakeholder (academy, funders, industry, govern, media, health workers), including the general public and civil society as key actors. 

General Coordination

Dr. Nísia Verônica Trindade Lima

Dr. Gustavo Corrêa Matta

Executive Coordination

Dr. Camila Pimentel Lopes de Melo (Fiocruz PE/BR) Dr. Carolina de Oliveira Nogueira (Fiocruz RJ/BR)
Dr. Denise Nacif Pimenta  (Fiocruz MG/BR) Dr. Elaine Teixeira Rabello (UERJ/BR)
Dr. Lenir Nascimento Silva (Fiocruz RJ/BR) Dr. Sergio Tavares de Almeida Rego (Fiocruz RJ/BR)


Executive Staff

Amanda de Carlos Andreani Bejar Dr. Ester Paiva Souto
Dr. Flávia Thedim Costa Bueno Luana Furtado Carvalho