Research Production
ArticlesFind selected articles on research conducted by the Fiocruz team |
JournalsFind all Journals edited by Fiocruz units on a variety of health topics |
Innovation PortfolioThe first effort to identify and update the results obtained in the innovative research conducted at Fiocruz |
Data Health Centre (Cidacs)A complex of services, developed by multidisciplinary teams: epidemiology, statistics, bioinformatics, and computing |
Internationalization Project
Find more about Fiocruz's Internationalization Project, aimed at promoting exchange of students and professors |
Biological Collections and BiobanksFind all biological collections lead by Fiocruz: Microbiological, Zoological, Histopathological, Botanical, and Human. |
Covid-19Find more about Fiocruz's response to the pandemic of Covid-19 |
FioAntarInvestigate threats that the Antarctic environment can pose to human health and identify opportunities to develop biotechnologies |
MonkeypoxFind what Fiocruz is currently producing on the current Public Health Emergency of International Concern (In Portuguese) |
Network of Human Milk Banks
The Brazilian model is recognised worldwide for its innovative technological development that combines low cost with high quality |
Cuida Chagas Project“Communities United for Innovation, Development and Care for Chagas Disease” focuses on testing, treating, and caring for people affected by Chagas disease in Latin America |