Fiocruz´s mission is to produce, disseminate and share knowledge and technologies, aiming at strengthening and consolidating the Unified Health System (SUS, acronym in Portuguese for the Brazilian public health system) and the promotion of health and quality of life for the population. Additionally, the institution works to reduce social inequalities and to improve the national dynamics of innovation, with the defense of the right to health and full citizenship as central values.

To be a public and strategic health institution, recognized by Brazilian society and by other countries for its capacity to place science, technology, innovation, education and technological production of services and strategic inputs for the promotion of the health of the population, the reduction of inequalities and social inequities, the consolidation and strengthening of the national health system (SUS), and the formulation and improvement of public health policies. 

The values of Fiocruz, guided by the relevance of the organization's actions for society, are the basis of attitudes, behaviors and characteristics that constitute the Foundation´s essential doctrine. It´s values are:
1 - Institutional commitment to the public and state aspect.
2 - Science and innovation as the basis of socioeconomic development and health promotion.
3 - Ethics and transparency.
4 - Cooperation and integration.
5 - Ethnic, gender and sociocultural diversity.
6 - Appreciation for employees, students and co-workes.
7 - Quality and excellence.
8 - Reduction of inequities.
9 - Commitment to the main goals of social transformation of the Brazilian State.
10 - Social and environmental commitment.
11 - Participatory democracy.
12 - Democratization of knowledge.
13 - Education as an emancipatory process.